You can support the Damien and Marianne of Moloka’i Education Center by making a donation for a Remembrance Tile. Your name or the name of a loved one, along with a personal message, will be etched on Corian and permanently placed on the Donor Wall near the front entrance. Read more here!
St. Augustine’s A Hui Hou Celebration for Fr. Maiki will be at noon Sunday Oct, 22, in the Damien Room and courtyard. This will be a potluck party, so please bring your favorite dish to share. Join us to bid a fond aloha and a hui hou and express your appreciation to Fr. Maiki as he prepares to leave for his new assignment in Massachusetts.
Tickets are now available for our 2023 Ho'ohali'a (A Fond Reflection) Gala to benefit the Damien and Marianne of Moloka'i Education Center. Join us on Wednesday, August 23, 2023!
In May, we honor Mary, Our Lady and Queen of Peace, and protector of the Diocese of Honolulu. Those who wish to honor Mary may bring bouquets or lei throughout May.